To podcast or not to podcast

I’ve been thinking about starting a podcast for ages (I’m noticing this ‘thinking about things for ages’ is a common theme for me…)

I listen to loads of them. Every morning and afternoon when I walk my huge dog, I listen to podcasts.

Mainly business related but also a bit of self help, inspirational, interviews with drummers and musicians. Sometimes stuff like Joe Rogan or Tim Ferris where they’re interviewing people who are leaders in their field.

I had an idea for a pretty niche drumming related podcast, but my stupid fear brain keeps kicking in and telling me “it’s not ready”, “nobody will listen to it”, “you don’t know enough” blah blah blah blah blah

The small number of people I’ve mentioned it to have said it was a good idea so fuck it, I should just get the thing started and put it out there.

The goal is to find a bunch of drummers are interview them about a specific area of life that relates to myself and also a lot of other drummers I know. I think it would be interesting to chat about it and get some inspiration and perspective from a different angle.

The more I talk to people and follow other drummers on social media, the more I realise everyone has similar struggles in all aspects of their life that would be good to talk about, to get out in the open, and throw ideas around so we can get a dialogue going and hopefully push through some of these issues that are often barriers to success.

I’m keen to get some ideas for topics to talk about. Send me a message to let me know what you reckon!