Doing all the things

I’m a chronic dabbler.

I have so many commitments and interests that I sometimes get stuck in my own head about which way to go next because I love doing so many things.

My school reports always circled around lack of focus and ‘could do better if he applied himself’

I play the drums. Last count I was committed to 4 bands who are all playing shows and/or writing music. Serious bands who have the potential to do cool things. Bands with people I love hanging out with and making music with.

I build websites. I design logos. I do graphic design. I help people with small businesses like mine get their business on the internet so they can sell more stuff or get their thing out there.

I work for myself from home which was my dream for a long time. Have done for well over 15 years.

I’m a dad with another one coming soon. I’m a partner to an awesome woman.

I’m full of ideas, some I follow through on, some get lost in my head and never get out there.

Life is busy and now I’m adding another this blog on top of it all. Why???

I feel like all my interests are disjointed and I’m moving my attention every time I start to think about every different area of my life. But it’s all me doing the things!

Everything is kinda linked somehow so I decided to chuck it all under my own name ‘Adrian Griffin’ and start throwing my thoughts down to see where it leads.

Stay tuned for a bunch of random musings about all kinds of shit. If you’re reading this, thanks!